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In development | 80 min. | Animation feature | Lithuania, France, Belgium | Looking for funding and sales partners
Sylwia Szkiladz
Writers (screenplay)
Jurga Vilė, Christelle Berthevas
Based on the graphic novel SIBERIAN HAIKU by
Jurga Vilė, Lina Itagaki | Publisher Aukso Žuvys
Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė, Jean-François Le Corre, Géraldine Sprimont, Anne-Laure Guégan
Just a moment (LT), Vivement Lundi ! (FR), Need Productions (BE)
Lithuanian Film Centre (LT), Creative Europe MEDIA (EU)
He was just an eight year old boy. All he wanted was to travel around the world. Instead, he was deported to Siberia with his family. It is a story of resilience and hope.
The graphic novel is translated and published in:
English by SelfMadeHero
French by Sarbacane
Italian by Topipittori
Russian by Samokat
German by Baobab books
Polish by Fundacja Pogranicze
Romanian by Editura Frontiera
Latvian by Liels un Mazs
Czech by Argo Publishing
Estonian by Kirjastus Draakon & Kuu
Ukrainian by Vydavnytstvo
Spanish by Dibbuks
Japanese by Kaden Sha
Croatian by Ibis Grafika
Taiwan by Gusa Publishing
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